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Yoko Littner from Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann Supergirl from DC Comics Jill Valentine from Resident Evil Leina Vance from Queen's Blade Natasha Volkova from Command & Conquer: Red Alert 3 Misty from Pokemon Valeera Sanguinar from Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft


March 31, 2015

Generation Ahri from League of Legends

Generation Ahri

League of Legends

Photographer: Brett Ramautarsingh

Series | League of Legends X 소녀시대 (Girls' Generation)

Inspiration | Tasha Cosplay

Assisted | Chippy Cosplay & Grey Cosplay グレー

SFX | Sayla Cosplay

Pain level | 5000

Unlike other foxes that roamed the woods of southern Ionia, Ahri had always felt a strange connection to the magical world around her; a connection that was somehow incomplete. She dreamt of one day becoming human. Her goal seemed forever out of reach, until she happened upon the wake of a human battle. She felt drawn to one dying soldier: a robed man encircled by a waning field of magic. She approached him and something deep inside of her triggered and his life essence poured into her, carried on invisible strands of magic. As her reverie faded, she was delighted to discover that she had changed. Her sleek white fur had receded and she had assumed the shape of the humans who lay scattered about her.

However, though she appeared human, she knew that in truth the transformation was incomplete. In search of a solution, Ahri found the Institute of War, home of the most gifted mages on Runeterra. They offered her a chance to attain her humanity through service in the League of Legends.

Follow Sayla Cosplay on Facebook and Instagram.

Cosplayer: Sayla Cosplay

Generation Ahri from League of Legends

Photographer: Brett Ramautarsingh

Generation Ahri from League of Legends

Photographer: White Specs Photography

Generation Ahri from League of Legends

Photographer: Brett Ramautarsingh

Generation Ahri from League of Legends

Photographer: White Specs Photography

Generation Ahri from League of Legends

Photographer: Brett Ramautarsingh

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League of Legends
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League of Legends

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